Is the Plant Blue Daze a Perennial?

Plant Blue Daze


Blue daze is a tropical plant, so it should be a perennial. But it isn’t. That’s because blue daze isn’t always in the ground! You can make it work as a perennial by keeping it out of frost and making sure your plants have plenty of water during the winters.

Blue daze is a tropical plant

Blue daze is a tropical plant. It’s not a perennial, and it won’t live indoor plants in your home.

Blue daze is also not a houseplant or shade plant—it is native to tropical climates and will be happiest outdoors where it can get full sun all day long.

Tropical plants aren’t perennials

The answer to the question “Is the plant blue daze a perennial?” is no. Tropical plants are not cold hardy and require warm temperatures to survive. They are annuals or short-lived perennials that die back each year when winter arrives (like lawn grass).

The tropical plant you see in your garden may be in bloom for several weeks each spring, but it will not grow back again next year unless you replant it with seed or cuttings from last season’s growth after frost kills off all other plants on your property.

You can make a tropical plant perennial

You can make a tropical plant perennial by keeping it in a greenhouse. The key is to keep the plants out of frost, which is why we only grow them seasonally.

If you decide to try this and would like some help, please let us know!

You must keep the plants out of frost to grow them year-round

You must keep the plants out of frost to grow them year-round. They do well in heated containers, but they are best grown outdoors in a sunny location with rich soil and good drainage. If you have a patio or deck, consider planting your blue daze there so that you can enjoy it throughout summer and fall months as well.

It’s important that you don’t overwater your plant because this will cause root rot which will result in death for both the plant itself and any other nearby plants if left unchecked for too long (1). Also avoid overhead watering or sprinklers that could drown out roots under wet soil; instead use drip irrigation systems where possible (2).

It’s possible to grow blue daze as a perennial, but it’s not easy

Blue daze is a perennial plant, which means it will return the year after you harvest your first crop. It can be grown as an annual by planting seeds or divisions in fall and then taking advantage of its blue blooms for several years. But if you want to grow this plant as a perennial, here’s what you need to know:

  • You’ll need a warm climate—Blue daze prefers full sun and temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (16–21 C). If your home doesn’t have these conditions, consider moving somewhere else!
  • Protect from frost—If possible, try growing blue daze indoors during winter months when temperatures are cooler than outside but not too cold; otherwise it may die back each spring due to lack of light exposure or freezing temperatures. Some gardeners use plastic tubes placed over their pots so they stay warm while protecting themselves from frosty nights outside; others just place them under blankets at night time!


I think it’s safe to say that most people would not want to spend the next few months trying to grow blue daze as a perennial. If you decided to do so, your best bet is probably to buy a plant from a reputable vendor who will guarantee their products are grown under proper conditions. In any case, we hope this article has helped you understand why tropical plants aren’t perennials and what can be done about it!

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